Confirmation - 7th and 8th Grade

What is Confirmation you ask?  Wonderful question!

First and foremost Confirmation is a Rite that is generally taken during the late elementary to middle school years (4th-8th grade) sometime.  The timeframe varies from church to church, but we've found that three years is slightly long for our program so we determined that a two year program with increased expectations and standards was a good tradeoff and is working well.  During these two years, students learn more about the Lutheran faith, the Bible, and how to handle worldly issues.

In 7th grade, students participate in a Bible overview covering major topics from Genesis to Revelaton to further their Bible knowledge.  This occurs during the first semester of the school year.  During the second semester, using the book titled, "Life's Big Questions, God's Big Answers," students begin learning about apologetics and start answering some of those questions that we are asked often.  "Is the Bible really without error and the inspired Word of God?  Was there really a resurrection?  What about the dinosaurs?  How did Noah get 2 of every animal on the ark?"

In 8th grade, students work through a book called "Lutheranism 101" covering topics ranging from the Reformation, to Worship, to the 10 Commandments, to the Creed, and more.  To go along with this book, students work through Luther's Small Catechism.  This year is the pinnacle of the Confirmation program leading to Witness Night.  This is the night that students gather with friends and family to answer questions regarding their faith.  Once completed, it is time to be Confirmed as a member of the church.

The Rite of Confirmation takes place on the first Sunday in May.  See Pastor Allison, Pastor Akers, or Jonathan Guse for more information.

7th Grade Confirmation

8th Grade Confrimation